Christmas Day - 12/25/2010
Christ Is Born! Glorify Him! our parishoners were treated to a wonderful Christmas Reception following Liturgy that was hosted by our R Club!
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St. Nicholas Day Celebration - 12/04/2011
On Sunday December 4th St. Andrew Parish celebrated St. Nicholas Day. After Liturgy we all shared a wonderful brunch and fellowship. We were treated with a visit from St. Nicholas, who passed out gold coins as we sang "Oh who loves Nicholas the Saintly" Our two catchumens were in attendance with us. The children of the parish received gifts and popcorn balls from St. Nicholas. A great time was had by everyone!(50 images)
Feast Day of St. Andrew Patronal Feast of our Parish - 11/29/2011
Following a Festal Vesperal Liturgy with concelebrants Archpriest Basil Stoyka, and Archpriest Andrew Nelko, a wine and cheese reception was held for those who attended the liturgy. Approximately 25 faithful enjoyed a very hospitable Advent Reception.
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The Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - 12/25/2011
The Great Feast of St. Andrew Eastern Orthodox Church was celebrated today on December 25th, the day of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ's birth. Many pictures were taken with the faithful during worship and prayer during the time of the sacredness of the Nativity Vigil and Nativity Divine Liturgy! Please view them! When you are in our area, come and see us!
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Spring Clean Up - 04/28/2012
On Saturday April 28th a few parishoner's braved the 30 degree weather and snow flurries to help clean up the parish grounds. Thank you to all who helped, and especially a Big Thank You to Boy Scout Troop 380 from our very own Maple Heights who came out in the cold to help rake leaves, pick up sticks and garbage and much more. Afterwards we enjoyed a nice lunch together. Thank you Troop 380 for all of your hard work!(25 images)
St. Tikhon's Seminary Choir Visit - 03/17/2012
On Saturday March 17th and Sunday March 18th St. Tikhon's Seminary Choir visited St. Andrew. They celebrated the Sunday of the Precious Cross with us. We had a wonderful Pot Luck on Saturday evening and again on Sunday following Divine Liturgy. Many of our parishoners hosted the seminarians Saturday evening in their homes.(28 images)
St. Andrew Parish Steak Roast 2012 - 09/15/2012
On Saturday September 15th we hosted our annual steak roast fundraiser. The day began with Vespers and then we had a wonderful meal! It was a beautiful day, and thanks to everyone who attended, and most especially thanks to all of you who helped make the evet possible! Thanks to Russ and Judy Borowy and Jeff Hoover!(28 images)
St. Andrew Parish Picnic - 07/15/2012
On Sunday July 15th we enjoyed our Parish Picnic. Fun was had by everyone who attended. The City of Maple Heights brought their emergency vehicles to our parking lot, where after a short service to pray for their safety, Fr. Emil blessed their vehicles.(86 images)
Christmas Flower Arranging Fundraiser - 12/02/2012
On Sunday December 2, 2012 a few gathered for lunch and a Christmas Flower Arrangment Class. The class was taught by Corrine Calamante of Cori's Creations. A wonderful lunch was served and prepared by Judy Borowy. This was a great way to enjoy an afternoon together and to share Christian fellowship, dedicating our time to Christ, his Holy Orthodox Church and the Most Blessed coming of his Nativty, born of a virgin!
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St. Nicholas Celebration - 12/09/2012
On Sunday December 9th following Liturgy, we celebrated the Feast of St. Nicholas with a brunch and gifts for the Church School children. We also had a special visit from St. Nicholas! Thanks to all who attended this special event.
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Feast of St. Andrew - 11/30/2012
On Thursday evening after Great Vespers, we enjoyed a wine and cheese reception, the following morning we celebrated a beautiful Divine Liturgy. After Liturgy we enjoyed a pasta lunch and fellowship.
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Fall Clean Up - 11/10/2012
God Blessed us with a beautiful sunny day and also blessed us with the help of Boy Scout Troop 380 and Cub Scout Troop 389, who teamed up to clean up our Parish grounds. We would like to extend to them a warm welcome for all of their hard work and dedication to St. Andrew parish. After they were done, we were able to sit down together and enjoy lunch. Thank you again to all the scouts, leaders, and especially the parents who were willing to give up a Saturday morning to come and help!(15 images)