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Iveron Icon of the Mother of God to be brought to St. Andrew - Oct. 22, 2012
On Monday evening October 22, 2012, over 300 faithful Christians from various Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant Church's greeted the Myrhh Streaming Hawaiian Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. In attendance were the following Orthodox Clergy who concelebrated the Molieben Service: V. Rev. Fr. Andrew Clements, Pastor of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Mentor (OCA Diocese of the Midwest Cleveland Dean), V. Rev. Fr. Basil Stoyka, Pastor of St. Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Lorain, Rev. Fr. Jonathan Cholcher, Pastor of St. John The Baptist Orthodox Church in Warren (Deanery Secretary), Rev. Fr. Ilia Mazev, Pastor of St. Sergius Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma. Liturgical responses were sung by The Russian Male Chorus of Greater Cleveland, under the competant direction of Mr. Michael Pilot, Choir Master of Holy Trinity Orthodox Church (OCA in Parma).
Among the faithful Christians gathered was a bed-ridden Christian man brought to the church by his wife on a hospital bed. One elderly woman sat in front in her wheel chair. As the Molieben came to a close our own local Pastor V. Rev. Fr. Emilian Hutnyan addressed those in attendance concerning the theological, historical and liturgical understanding of the Most Holy Mother Of God, Ever Virgin and Theotokos.
All of the faithful in attendance drew near the front of the church where the Holy Icon was placed, venerate it and behold the wonder of the streaming myrrh located on the inside glass, upon the Holy Icon itself and upon the wooden case that contained this Most Holy Icon. To priests, Fr. Jonathan and Fr. Emilian annoited all those in attendance while Fr. Andrew passed out Icon Cards which had been previously annointed with the Holy Myrrh.
Our Parish of St. Andrew Eastern Orthodox Church would like to take the time to thank the Eastern American Russian Orthodox Diocese, it's hiearchs who permitted the Icon to be brought to our parish. Our special thanks is extended to the three gentlemen who were responsible for bringing the Holy Icon, the Icon Cards, and extra Holy Myrrh. They are The Reader Necktarios, Sub Deacon Nathaniel, and Sub Deacon Dimitri.
Through the generous monetary donations from the faithful Christians in attendance, $1,000 was given to the gentlemen for their tremendous needs of traveling, staying in different hotels, and for meals.
Through the intercessions of the Most Holy Theotokos (Ever-Virgin, and Mother of God), Mary, may we always beseach her to intercede to the Throne of God, for the salvation of our souls.
- Article written by V. Rev. Fr. Emilian Hutnyan, MSW, M. Div
Among the faithful Christians gathered was a bed-ridden Christian man brought to the church by his wife on a hospital bed. One elderly woman sat in front in her wheel chair. As the Molieben came to a close our own local Pastor V. Rev. Fr. Emilian Hutnyan addressed those in attendance concerning the theological, historical and liturgical understanding of the Most Holy Mother Of God, Ever Virgin and Theotokos.
All of the faithful in attendance drew near the front of the church where the Holy Icon was placed, venerate it and behold the wonder of the streaming myrrh located on the inside glass, upon the Holy Icon itself and upon the wooden case that contained this Most Holy Icon. To priests, Fr. Jonathan and Fr. Emilian annoited all those in attendance while Fr. Andrew passed out Icon Cards which had been previously annointed with the Holy Myrrh.
Our Parish of St. Andrew Eastern Orthodox Church would like to take the time to thank the Eastern American Russian Orthodox Diocese, it's hiearchs who permitted the Icon to be brought to our parish. Our special thanks is extended to the three gentlemen who were responsible for bringing the Holy Icon, the Icon Cards, and extra Holy Myrrh. They are The Reader Necktarios, Sub Deacon Nathaniel, and Sub Deacon Dimitri.
Through the generous monetary donations from the faithful Christians in attendance, $1,000 was given to the gentlemen for their tremendous needs of traveling, staying in different hotels, and for meals.
Through the intercessions of the Most Holy Theotokos (Ever-Virgin, and Mother of God), Mary, may we always beseach her to intercede to the Throne of God, for the salvation of our souls.
- Article written by V. Rev. Fr. Emilian Hutnyan, MSW, M. Div